I normally don’t get into politics on the site, but when they intersect with HUMMERs, there has to be exceptions, right? Hillary Clinton met with a group of about 50 AM General workers at the HUMVEE plant in Mishawaka, IN earlier today. The HUMVEE plant is currently running at full production, unlike the AM General’s H2 production facility next door, which is shut down due to the strike at American Axle. Clinton covered topics like national defense and job creation during her two hour visit which included a tour of the facility.
It was also reported that the government has extended their contract for HUMVEE production, which AM General is producing at a rate of around 80 per day. The next generation of HUMVEE, the ECV 2 (shown below), is currently being tested by the government, and is substantially larger than current HUMVEEs.

Source: WSBT – South Bend
That looks like a cross between a Humvee and an old Willys.